Sunday, May 31, 2020
How Can I Make Sure My Essay Is Grammatically Correct on a College Level?
<h1>How Can I Make Sure My Essay Is Grammatically Correct on a College Level?</h1><p>If you are battling with composing an exposition to fulfill the guidelines of a school, at that point it may be useful for you to realize how might I ensure my paper is syntactically right on a school level? This article will give you a few thoughts on the most proficient method to fix this issue with the goal that you can improve your grades.</p><p></p><p>The first significant issue in a paper is the position of the words in your composition. There are numerous individuals who are not truly adept at recollecting their words appropriately. To stay away from this issue, you need to focus on the arrangement of the words. Here are a few hints on the most proficient method to do this.</p><p></p><p>The first thing that you ought to do when you are composing a paper is to check the punctuation that you have. On the off chance that you realiz e that you have to remember this word for your composition, at that point you should include it. The main line of your composing ought to consistently contain the best possible syntax to guarantee that you get an ideal evaluation. Continuously start from the earliest starting point and end with the end. Try not to begin your composing too soon or past the point of no return, in light of the fact that these spots in your exposition are where the sentence structure won't be the same.</p><p></p><p>You ought to likewise make a decent note of the accentuation of your paper. Each accentuation mark is extraordinary, so when you compose a paper, ensure that you put a comma to check the period in the middle of a subject and an end. Additionally ensure that the hour of your composing is correct in light of the fact that the accentuation imprints will be equivalent to your season of writing.</p><p></p><p>The last and the most significant thing th at you have to recollect is that you have to attempt to make your composing short. Truth be told, there are times that you may be approached to compose a more drawn out paper so you should attempt to make your composing short and compact. There are numerous individuals who are too anxious to possibly be ready to compose more than their ability, so this is the most ideal approach to ensure that you get a high grade.</p><p></p><p>If you are battling with your school exposition, at that point you should look at this site is called 'E-Editing'. This site is fundamentally a database that permits you to check your sentence structure in an internet browser. With this device, you can really observe where your slip-ups are and fix them. It is an extremely helpful instrument to have.</p><p></p><p>These are only a portion of the ways on how might I ensure my paper is syntactically right on a school level. There are a lot more ways on how might I ensure my article is syntactically right on a school level.</p>
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Understanding Nutrition Topics for Research Paper
Understanding Nutrition Topics for Research Paper Some topics which you could opt to utilize for your paper helping listed below. Students can also locate some research based topics on food in the particular list below. Sometimes, they are offered to choose a topic for their research paper independently, but in some colleges, tutors prefer to assign tasks in specific areas of study associated with exercise science. Whispered Nutrition Topics for Research Paper Secrets Say for instance, if you're writing on new strategies to prepare chicken, you will need to concentrate on the means of preparation, taste that children and grownups prefer, and very low ingredient price. It isn't a secret that healthy food and drink always result in the well-being of someone, but in the instance of the AD, they play a vital role. For that reason, it's important to figure out how exactly school lunches influence children's health and what can be completed as a way to enhance the situations. The issue is often due to fast food, which is a crucial part of school lunches. The Ugly Side of Nutrition Topics for Research Paper The issue of parents that push young athletes to obtain doping. Bad nutrition impacts the wellness of children in a huge way and the increase in circumstances of child obesity proves it. Different types of tests employed for doping control. The Basic Facts of Nutrition Topics for Research Paper It's also worth considering that the majority of the daily consumed salt is contained in a wide range of processed foods. Start drinking water once you wake up to commence hydrating. Maintain a water bottle handy close to the bed. How to Choose Nutrition Topics for Research Paper Still, since there are several suggestions to improve one's health, not all them are tested and proved properly. Nutrition and physical activity strategies for older adults to keep decent health. This presentation will reveal to you just how to gradually make much healthier ch oices with simple swaps. Stick to these green strategies for healthier eating and a healthful atmosphere! Without adequate calcium levels, it is not efficient in any way. You are able to talk about several other effects brought on by the protein malnutrition and discuss the reason it's very important to every person to take adequate protein intake, especially expecting mothers. In the absence of different sources of energy, protein can be transformed into energy, yet this procedure also leads to some issues. Half of the 20 amino acids can be transformed into fat within the body. Characteristics of Nutrition Topics for Research Paper Over the last few decades, childhood obesity rates in the usa have tripled. Hopefully, it is going to force you to brainstorm the subject of science to undertake valuable research! The second subject of research is aimed toward preventing metabolic syndrome through basic and preclinical studies. The growth of epidemiology. The War Against Nut rition Topics for Research Paper It is a strong industry, including a distinctive system for the creation of achievements. It ought to be correct and simple to comprehend. As a consequence, policies and structures related to food creation and accessibility have a significant effect on the nutrition and wellness. This presentation is going to teach you just how to effortlessly analyze and read a nutrition label, including the latest changes which are affecting the label! Whispered Nutrition Topics for Research Paper Secrets Its appearance is connected with the rapid evolution of urban culture. If you previously take part in regular physical fitness activities, test your present exercise levels via a few quick, easy tests that you can perform yourself at home. Sporting activities have existed for a number of millenniums. Influence of cricket in the invention of softball sports. What Nutrition Topics for Research Paper Is - and What it Is Not Carbohydrate intake varies accor ding to your specific sport and present objective. Avoiding carbohydrates is more inclined to decrease performance. Proteins are a rather important portion of a meal that you can't be without. You may write about the foods which are rich in protein. Eating salads and fresh fruits, grains can help you enhance the nutrition needed by the human body and can help you remain healthier and fit. Protein energy malnutrition is a sort of malnutrition that refers to insufficient consumption of protein. There are health benefits connected with removing gluten from your diet plan, if done in a wholesome way. It is intriguing to think about the potential effects of such a diet on a kid's health. You can create some small modifications to your diet to become more sustainable and much healthier. In order to remain fit and fit, it's imperative you receive a nutritional and balanced diet. Definitions of Nutrition Topics for Research Paper Be certain to have a look at our Exercise is Med icine page for more details! Sleep plays a major part inside your body's capacity to recuperate and reach your objectives! Nutrition is achieved in numerous ways by different types of life. The Fundamentals of Nutrition Topics for Research Paper You Will be Able to Learn From Starting Immediately There are two possible scenarios, you may use the topic we've suggested or produce your very own creative notion. The last objective is to teach students how to choose healthful foods so that they can set their knowledge into practice. The major area of the science is all about macronutrients. The world's best epidemics. The Nutrition Topics for Research Paper Trap Besides the simple fact that in this situation they can refuse healthier and necessary goods, there may also be a decline in appetite. The researchers also need to learn what influenced those adjustments to occur. It is intriguing to conduct a research to locate the explanations for why each person chooses a particular diet, and the way it correlates with their earnings. It's possible for you to focus your research on the characteristic of organic food and its affordability. To the contrary, Omega-3 acids, which are primarily found in fish, are helpful for brain cells and prevent the growth of dementia. While sunlight is our very best source of vitamin D, there are more than a few reasons why we don't absorb enough. Many studies have discovered that eating a low-fiber, high-fat diet plan and drinking excess alcohol increase the possibility of creating disease. To start with, it's all-important to understand the overall significance of a suitable diet for dementia and such its form as Alzheimer's disease.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Tess Of D`Urbervilles By Hardy Essays - Lost Films
Tess Of D'Urbervilles By Hardy In the novel Tess of the D'Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy, Tess is confronted with numerous various degrees of bliss, from unadulterated happiness to supreme despondency. As she moves from area to area, the setting of these spots depicts Tess' happiness. From her unadulterated joy at Talbothay's Dairy, to the defining moment of Tess' satisfaction at the old D'Urberville house, to her most unforgiving remain at Flintcomb-Ash, to her last satisfaction before her passing at Bramshurst Court, the peruser sees barometrical changes that lessen then move back up. Strong altogether shows through his depictions of her environmental factors how Tess will feel while positioned in each spot. After Tess' life has been destroyed by Alec D'Urberville she needs to look for shelter. By leaving her old neighborhood of Marlott, she can begin her life over again. She escapes to the jaunty environment of Talbothay's Dairy. As Tess traverses the edge of the slope it appears just as she is exchanging universes. Strong's depiction depicts the field as a billiard table of inconclusive length (Hardy 98) with a covered level, which extended toward the east and the west to the extent the eye could reach (97). The land is depicted as being as boundless as Tess' bliss. The territory is extravagant and delightful, and here, Tess can unwind and be liberated from her past. Tess' unusual eye (98)sees distinctive green greenery (98). This gives the region an uncorrupt claim, as if you can be youthful and cheerful while at Talbothay's Dairy. Tess feels warm as she watches the shadows... with as much consideration over each shape as though it had been the profile of a Court stunner on a royal residence divider (98). Indeed, even the dairy animals have a grand attraction as the white [of their horns] mirrored the daylight in amazing brilliancy (99). Talbothay's Dairy is sparkling with satisfaction and this warmth discovers its way to a well-requiring Tess. Tess can feel upbeat once more what's more, that she truly had established another framework for her future. The conviction reproduced tranquility (101). This upbeat inclination proceeds all through Tess' remain, as she remeets Angel, and begins to look all starry eyed. After their marriage, Tess what's more, Angel go to live in an old D'Urberville house close Wellbridge Mill. As they are leaving Talbothay's Dairy they hear a chicken crow. The group right away thinks about the old spouse's story of an evening chicken importance misfortune. While they attempt to excuse it saying that it's not what you think: 'tis unthinkable! (Hardy 202), it sets the scenery for what is to come. The disposition and setting upon their appearance to the D'Urberville house are unpropitious, proceeding with the chicken's impact. Tess is discouraged by the house, shouting Those terrible ladies! (Hardy 203) when she sees representations of her progenitors. As the night developed longer the soothing dead leaves of the going before fall were mixed to bothered restoration, and spun about reluctantly, and tapped against the screens. It before long started to rain (Hardy 204). Tess' bliss starts to waver with the downpour. She continues to tell Angel the narrative of her past, while the cinders under the mesh were lit by the fire vertically, similar to a torrid waste (Hardy 211). Strong portrays the coals in the fire as having a Last Day shocking nature which infiltrates to Tess, and results in her isolating from Angel. This puzzling climate is depicted by Hardy so as to be a defining moment and start the diminishing of Tess' euphoria . Because of her past, Angel leaves Tess, and Hardy sends her to work at Flintcomb-Ash. Flintcomb-Ash is appeared as a ruthlessly unforgiving spot. It is through this dreary air that Hardy shows when Tess winds up in a sorry situation of her joy. Indeed, even while Tess is going towards Flintcomb-Ash Hardy shows the change. The 'air was dry and cold and the long truck streets were blown white and dusty inside a couple of hours after the downpour (263). Tess turns out to be a piece of the stroke of raindrops, the consume of sunbeams, and the pressure of winds. There is no enthusiasm in her now (262). Tess winds up moving toward a region of sporadic chalk - table land (263) contrasted with the rich, green fields of Talbothay's Dairy. She enters the remaining parts of a town... in a slight misery (263). The land is frightful with its obstinate soil (264) and Tess understands that the dividers [seem] to be the main companion she [has] (264). It is fitting that the town is loaded up with despairing portrayals, as this is actually how Tess
Basic Concepts of Sociology free essay sample
Society The term society is generally central to humanism. It is gotten from the Latin word socius which implies friendship or companionship. Friendship implies amiability. As per George Simmel it is this component of amiability which characterizes the genuine quintessence of society. It demonstrates that man consistently lives in the organization of others. Man is a social creature said Aristotle hundreds of years prior. Man needs society for his living, working and appreciating life. Society h as become a basic condition for human life to proceed. We can characterize society as a gathering of individuals who share a typical culture, possess a specific regional region and feel themselves to comprise a bound together and particular element. It is the common entomb activities and interrelations of people and gatherings. Meanings of Society 1. August Comte the dad of humanism considered society to be a social life form having a congruity of structure and capacity. 2. Emile Durkheim the establishing father of the advanced human science regarded society as a reality in its own right. We will compose a custom exposition test on Fundamental Concepts of Sociology or then again any comparable subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page 3. Talcott Parsons-Society is an absolute complex of human connections to the extent that they develop out of the activity as far as means-cut off association inherent or emblematic. 4. G. H Mead a trade of signals which includes the utilization of images. 5. Morris Ginsberg an assortment of people joined by specific relations or method of conduct which mark them off from other people who don't go into these relations or who contrast from them in conduct. 6. Cole the complex of composed affiliations and foundations with a network. 7. Maclver and Page-society is an arrangement of uses and methods of power and shared guide of numerous groupings and divisions, of controls of human conduct and freedoms. This regularly changing complex framework which is called society is a snare of social relationship Types of Societies Writers have characterized social orders into different classifications Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft of Tonnies, mechanical and natural solidarities of Durkheim, status and agreement of Maine, and aggressor and modern social orders of Spencer. Every one of these scholars have extensively partitioned society into pre-modern and post-mechanical social orders. Sociologists like Comte put together their arrangement of social orders with respect to scholarly turn of events. The majority of them surrender the transformative idea of society-one sort prompting the other. One all the more method of partitioning social orders is that of Marx. His class ification of society depends on the institutional system of society as dictated by a gathering of individuals who control the methods for creation. Marx recognizes five chief sorts of social orders: crude, Asiatic, antiquated, medieval and entrepreneur. Following these orders, sociologists regularly allude to social orders as crude or present day nonliterate or educated. A later sort of grouping which is likewise utilized while recognizing social orders into types is the one among open and shut social orders. A shut society is the one which is a customary and basic culture or an extremist State will in general oppose change, while an open society concedes change. None of these groupings is precise; for each significant sort have number of sub-types. Family The family shapes the essential unit of soc ial association and it is hard to envision how human culture could work without it. The family has been viewed as an all inclusive social establishment an unavoidable piece of human culture.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Identifying And Surveying F. Scott Fitzgerald s The Great...
Whilst analysing and surveying F. Scott Fitzgerald s fulfilling and creative way of writing, I present to you today the body of work in the context of the writers time, discussing and paying attention to the social, historical, cultural and political discourses within the text. F.Scott Fitzgerald constructs a variety of truths throughout the novel, the two truths that where clearly noticeable where â€Å"The American dream†and â€Å"Old and New Money†which greatly supported the normalities of the era, these two topics will be discussed later in the piece. But let s start by recapping a brief understanding that is this novel. F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel The Great Gatsby is a classic about the desire for love and money and how they both affect†¦show more content†¦During the 1920 s, not only was there a change in the American Dream, but also a change in America itself. There are characters in Fitzgerald’s novel The Great Gatsby that buys into th e idea of the American Dream of money buys happiness, however their unhappiness reveals the novel’s critique of the shift in the American Dream towards the end of the novel. (Slide 2) The American dream is the American overlook on an ideal happy and successful life, F.Scott Fitzgerald constantly refers to this, in chapter 1 spoken by Nick Caraway. â€Å"He stretched out his arms toward the dark water in a curious way, and, far as I was from him, I could have sworn he was trembling. Involuntarily I glanced seaward, and distinguished nothing except a single green light, minute and far away, that might have been the end of a dock.†The green light shown at the end of the dock is a symbol related entirely to a dream, a dream that Gatsby will finally be reunited with his love Daisy, this dream is much like that of the American dream and to attain her would accomplish Gatsby’s ‘American Dream’. The American dream, that a hard working person will always lead one from rags to riches. Gatsby symbolises both the corrupted dream and the original uncorrupted dream. He sees wealth as a solution for all his problems but never seems to look at the big picture, as Daisy is slowly slipping away from him he finally
Friday, May 22, 2020
The Start of Health Insurance Research Paper Topics
<h1>The Start of Health Insurance Research Paper Topics </h1> <p>The level of wellbeing among the populace is a generous factor foreordaining the development of the entire country. Discover progressively about the contentions for and against a widespread social insurance program. On the estimation of medical coverage. On the impact of clinical protection programs for kids. </p> <p>Still, since there are numerous recommendations to improve one's wellbeing, not all them are verified appropriately. Themes identified with wellbeing give a staggering arrangement of decision. Instructing can help become aware of practices that cause such irregularity and spotlight on what ought to be changed. Stress the executives training, self consideration and the appropriation of a healthy way of life in how that is depicted in the following segment, are fundamental ways to deal with manage pressure. </p> <p>As expressed previously, it's essential to verify tha t you pick a point your instructor will permit. Whenever you're keeping watch for an exploration subject for your investigations and couldn't imagine anything better than to focus on wellbeing brain science, consider the proposals that follow. Understudies searching for slanting subjects don't have any absence of thoughts. Along these lines, the two understudies of clinical consideration programs notwithstanding understudies of some other claim to fame may have an assignment to create a paper on wellbeing subject. </p> <h2> What You Don't Know About Health Insurance Research Paper Topics</h2> <p>The standard of medicinal services administrations is among the most pivotal things that predetermines a country's prosperity. Dire and basic social insurance administrations are given subject to the necessities instead of monetary chances. Medicinal services Administrator look into papers note that considering the utilization of social insurance organization staff in side the greater setting of the emergency clinic, it's undeniable there are heaps of issues that managers need to manage. Give a potential method to illuminate the ever-rising cost of medicinal services. </p> <p>If it's excessively limited of a point, you will have an issue filling in the site page prerequisite. Understudies can't pick the absolute first thought they see on the web or in the print media it's tied in with picking incredible research paper themes on the applicable troubles. To find more, see the Web site. This video guides you through the methodology for settling on a theme. </p> <h2> What You Need to Do About Health Insurance Research Paper Topics Before You Miss Your Chance </h2> <p>The more you understand the less difficult it's for you to make a flourishing exploration paper. Composing an exploration paper despite the fact that may seem testing is an impressive bit of typical understudy life. After you have that limited, you can focus your exploration and form a noteworthy paper. You should investigate fundamentally as an approach to create a brain research look into paper. </p> <h2>The Do's and Don'ts of Health Insurance Research Paper Topics </h2> <p>Brainstorming exercises may give assistance. At times questionable issues can be fascinating to investigate. In case you're mistaken for various fascinating subjects to inquire about on the web, it's obviously better to figure out what intrigues you the most. Since you will be investing such a great amount of energy in this subject, you ought to pick a sub-field that premiums you the most. </p> <h2> How to Choose Health Insurance Research Paper Topics</h2> <p>There's notable that you won't can compose a fabulous savvy look into paper in case you're not intrigued by the subject generally and in the subject explicitly. You may need to peruse the vast majority of this writing during the class of the articulation. Presently you have a good thought of the best approach to chase for school investigate paper themes, you are set up for certain proposals. Without a reasonable substance, predominant research paper themes won't bode well. </p> <p>It is an unthinkable undertaking to create a theoretical research paper since this sort of article consistently addresses a specific theme and offers a genuine quest for ideal techniques for fathoming a particular issue. When you locate the proper subject, you have to make a proposition proclamation. The whole research ought to be built around or from this issue. </p> <h2> A Startling Fact about Health Insurance Research Paper Topics Uncovered</h2> <p>As an approach to create a paper, you need to make an exploration question. It appears that picking research paper subjects have become the most troublesome system. Expert and scholastic diaries are likewise an uncommon spot to find materials for a scrutinize paper. It's con ceivable to discover more data about understudies' research projects here. </p> <h2>Lies You've Been Told About Health Insurance Research Paper Topics </h2> <p>Maybe you as of now have a summed up thought of what things to write in your psyche, and the accompanying will permit you to focus on some particular idea or maybe change your decision. There's no need in making an assurance, which medical issue or marvels is progressively earnest right now or what's left in the shadows and ought to be edified at any rate in your article. At the point when you own a rundown before your eyes, it will be much simpler to make your brain and start thinking about a particular issue. In case you're intending to not simply depict a specific issue or perhaps to pass on a plan to your perusers yet hope to showcase your private hypothesis and get the endorsement of a regarded academic network, it's quite often fundamental to draw up a comparing proposition where it's conceivable to portray excellent minutes and present certain thoughts. </p> <p>After you get the brief, endeavor to address the scholarly organization with the guide of various free internet composing guides. On the off chance that you despite everything feel you need assistance, regardless of whether you've figured out how to choose a theme, you may consistently utilize a custom composing administration to help you produce a spectacular research paper of which you'll be glad and will promise you a decent imprint. In the strategy for composing research articles, it's fundamental to hold fast to a particular subject. Put the clock to ten minutes and begin recording the same number of subjects as you can. </p> <p>The specialists use a few tests to identify the issue. Individuals overseeing wellbeing related issues begin to comprehend that they can't depend on their fix just on clinical consideration. Clinical wellbeing laborers see a collection of patients who experience the ill effects of a scope of constant illnesses. It is imperative to break down numerous unmistakable issues identified with wellbeing while considering. </p>
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Why Does My College Essay Have to Be Below the Word Limit?
<h1>Why Does My College Essay Have to Be Below the Word Limit?</h1><p>Everyone that is acknowledged to a decent school, or some other school, figures they ought to have a better than expected or even better than expected paper. They will likely get their name in the school paper and the evaluations are the what tops off an already good thing. The one that gets the best grades gets the grant, yet for what reason would we like to compose underneath the word limit?</p><p></p><p>What we are going to take a gander at is what number of words we need to use for a better than expected exposition and what we can accomplish when we utilize as far as possible. We will likewise be taking a gander at the amount we can get by utilizing as far as possible and how we can improve our evaluation with a tad of training. I am certain in the event that you have ever perused an understudy's paper you have seen as far as possible: 1,000 words for every section. It is something that is educated and is something that each undergrad is instructed about at some point.</p><p></p><p>However, at times it isn't as awful as it initially shows up and in some cases as far as possible may really support our exposition. The primary thing we need to do is figure out what number of words to utilize and how to utilize them successfully. It is significant that we figure out how to compose a better than expected exposition and as well as could be expected, we should have the option to compose one.</p><p></p><p>The objective recorded as a hard copy a better than expected article is to get your name into the school paper and in this manner, your evaluation. This implies you should have the option to add something to the discussion by utilizing as far as possible. Composing something in excess of 1,000 words for each section is a decent goal.</p><p></p><p>A second step recorded as a hard copy a better than expected paper is to add a contort to as far as possible. At the point when you utilize as far as possible, you are setting yourself up for disappointment. You won't have the option to compose the whole length of the paper and in all probability you should cut a portion of the sections short.</p><p></p><p>To beat as far as possible and keep your passing marks, you need to add a wind to it. An incredible bend is to compose the whole length of the paper and afterward include one passage that is longer than as far as possible. The thought is to add to the exposition and to tell the peruser or crowd that you are truly occupied and that your life has been totally lost track.</p><p></p><p>This passage will give the peruser a little amazement and reveal to them that you have done some examination and have arrived at certain resolutions and questions that have left you scratching your head. Every single great author utilize this sort of writing to cause you to feel like you are there amigo. On the off chance that you can ace this and your paper looks great, you will in all likelihood be granted an A.</p><p></p><p>The word limit is something that can be utilized for incredible advantages and ought to be aced. Most of individuals that get A's, B's and C's, will get a B since they didn't think about as far as possible. It is a simple method to show signs of improvement grade.</p>
Monday, May 18, 2020
Help Me Write Research Paper Or Dissertation
<h1>Help Me Write Research Paper Or Dissertation</h1><p>How to assist me with composing an examination paper or thesis? This article will reveal to you how you can discover a rundown of pointers that you have to see how to assist me with composing an exploration paper or dissertation.</p><p></p><p>I simply completed my lords in craftsmanship, and this was the subject of my examination paper. It was on Abstract Analysis of Abstract Techniques, which implies I was searching for a potential theory subject. The cutoff time for my examination was Friday, so I concluded I would take a month to form my paper. In my exploration, I found that there are many individuals who battle with composing an examination paper, particularly on the off chance that they have never needed to do it before.</p><p></p><p>I had never composed an exploration paper, and its possibility made me anxious. So what would i be able to do? What sort of he lp can I get?</p><p></p><p>Well, the main thing I did was go on the web and perused a few books on the most proficient method to assist me with composing an examination paper or exposition. I read two unique books by a similar writer, and they all said something very similar: locate a decent theme and review it. You ought to abstain from getting into the propensity for thinking of points by utilizing your own abilities and interests. This is known as 'site restriction' and is the most widely recognized issue of individuals attempting to compose an examination paper.</p><p></p><p>However, on the off chance that you can be somewhat imaginative, at that point you can make it all the more fascinating for yourself. Any point can be altered into an examination paper. All things considered, it is even more a masterpiece than a specialized paper. In your exploration, you may likewise need to alter a portion of the material dependent on your en counters, yet this is typically an instance of becoming more acquainted with the topic.</p><p></p><p>Use these focuses to direct you: First, be reasonable about your involvement in investigate papers. You may not be the one in particular who is battling with composing an exploration paper. Most understudies commit an error of expecting that the structure of their proposition ought to be straight forward and simple. It isn't, the length of you realize what you are doing.</p><p></p><p>Second, ensure you look into how to express what is on your mind. In the event that you definitely realize what you have to state, you should exploit that information and just compose your exposition. In the event that you aren't sure what you ought to say, it is smarter to record your contemplations, however ensure you comprehend the focuses you are making.</p><p></p><p>Third, you ought to likewise have the option to convey what you intend to get across to your peruser. In the event that you don't have the foggiest idea how to communicate obviously, at that point this may be an issue. On the off chance that you take as much time as is needed and truly consider your article before composing it, you ought to have the option to come to your meaningful conclusion clearly.</p>
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Research Paper Topics in Food Science
<h1>Research Paper Topics in Food Science</h1><p>With such a large number of younger students taking up a vocation in a scholarly foundation, it is imperative to ensure that they get adequate presentation to the absolute generally looked for after research paper subjects in food science. In what manner will they get ready for these? You have to discover what these exploration paper subjects are. You have to know why these subjects are so important.</p><p></p><p>If you need to give your understudies a decent establishing in inquire about paper points in food science, you ought to set them up first for these subjects. The two essential territories of the discovering that you can give them are in any case, concentrating in the regions of arithmetic and the information about insights. Furthermore, you can likewise assist them with according to the literature.</p><p></p><p>What makes a decent research paper point in food sc ience? Indeed, there are various points that understudies can browse. In any case, guarantee that the exploration paper themes are identified with the subject at all conceivable way.</p><p></p><p>One of the best places to search for these examination paper points in food science is on the web. There are sites on the web that permit you to post the subjects that you figure your understudies can utilize. You may need to explain a few things on the way that these themes are without a doubt, and not something made up by the school teacher.</p><p></p><p>You can discover the historical backdrop of the subject, or the sort of understudies the understudy's advantages lie in. These can assist you with bettering decide if the point you are going to instruct is fitting for your students.</p><p></p><p>It is critical to discover which school you are managing too. You can even counsel the nearby area office to check whether y ou can get a few thoughts on what you should remember for the curriculum.</p><p></p><p>Some of the exploration paper subjects in food science are the advancement of the human body, the examination of diets, and furthermore the appraisal of food admission. It is significant that you likewise consider the various issues that are identified with the subjects. You ought to consistently recollect that regardless of how hard your understudies work, they will in any case should be given a lot of learning materials.</p>
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Misconceptions of Muslim Women - 810 Words
In society, there are some misconceptions about who Muslim women are and the identity they have. Through hasty generalizations, Muslim women are often depicted as being only Arab, figures of oppression, and being poles apart with everyone. Popular media fails to recognize the diversity in this group in terms of race, ethnicity, nationality, cultural norms, gender role, education attainment level, occupation and upbringing. I believe that the intersection of social inequalities in these identifying components has rendered Muslim women invisible in society. Description: In the first picture, there is a group of four women wearing black veils-known as the niqab- over their faces. In the second picture, there is another group of three women who are all wearing the niqab also. The third picture shows three women who are all wearing the niqab and the abaya- a long, loose garment that looks like a dress. The fourth picture shows two women who wearing the niqab and the abaya. In the fifth picture, there is one woman wearing a gray hijab with green eyes. The sixth picture and the seventh picture shows a women wearing the niqab. The pictures are zoomed into their faces, focusing on their eyes. In eighth picture, there are four women who don’t have their faces covered. They are wearing chadors- a long garment that covers the head and body. The ninth picture shows one man with a sword and a group of women with their hands tied. They are completely covered, includingShow MoreRelatedMuslim Women Essay943 Words  | 4 Pagesportray Muslim s in a negative light. Some pity Muslims while others feel pure disdain for them. This statement made by Ann Coulter (2001) following the September 11th terrorist attacks demonstrates the disdain for Muslims, â€Å"We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity†(as cited in Arab American National Museum, 2011). While this particular statement was directed at all Muslims, there are also many misconceptions directed solely at Muslim women. In thisRead MoreMuslim Women Are Oppressed By Their Religion Essay1272 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction It appears that there is often a general misconception about Muslim women in Australia; therefore, this investigation will discuss whether or not Muslim women are oppressed by their religion. Oppression is the use of power and control to treat people in an unjust and cruel manner (Merriam Webster 2016). According to the Quran 2016, Islam is a religion of peace, submission, purity and obedience to the wording of Allah (God), which is an Abrahamic, monotheistic faith. Islam is the secondRead MoreThe Middle East And West Perceive Each Other1158 Words  | 5 PagesAfghanistan, many Muslims and Westerners know that they have developed bad relations these days. The media continuously portrays the Middle East as nation filled with terrorist whilst the West are portrayed as the nation that is trying to make peace. There have been so many misconceptions that have made both cultures create a barrier between them because of how both cultures are portrayed through the media. Many in the West, view Muslims as fanatical, violent and as lacking tolerance. Muslims in the MiddleRead MoreMedia Portrayal of Islam Essay760 Words  | 4 PagesIslam: suppressor of women, enemy of Western nations, and breeder of terrorists. The West has many stereotypes and misconceptions about Islam that are due to the media, prejudice, and ignorance. Islam is often seen as an extremist or terrorist religion. Often, the medias reports about Islam are incorrect due to ignorance or not wanting to acknowledge its true teachings. This is one of the reasons why Westerners are often wary of Muslims. In contrast to what the media portrays, Islam is a peacefulRead MoreMuslim Women: Treated With Oppression Or Fairness?. When1429 Words  | 6 PagesMuslim Women: Treated With Oppression or Fairness? When I mention Islam, I am discussing its way of life, a concept that encompasses every aspect of one’s life from beginning to end. Islam, the newest and second largest faith, influences many parts of this earth as we discussed in class. Originating in the Arabian Desert, the religion is based on one book, The Holy Quran, the final word of Allah. Prophet Muhammed, in Islam, was the last messenger of God. His life is one that Muslims should followRead MoreThe Role Of Muslim Women During The Islamic World1564 Words  | 7 PagesThe role of Muslim women in the Islamic world is one has been widely discussed criticized by many people. The most common perceptions are of women living under the oppressive dictatorships of their husbands, forced into marriage, and constantly covered under the veil. The discussion of Muslim women and their roles are an important, firstly because there have been many misconceptions by non-Muslims which needs to be corrected and addressed. Secondly, s ome Muslim countries treat women unjustly inRead MoreThe Veil Is A Symbol Of Religion1312 Words  | 6 Pages In Islam, many women choose to wear a type of veil for religious reasons. A female that covers her head may be deemed as a pious and modest individual. However, there are multiple explanations for why the veil became such an important symbol in the Islamic community as well as across the globe. Despite the fact that a veil is a rather simple object, it is nonetheless full of symbolism and rich history. Unfortunately, this symbolism and history is often ignored by the non-Muslim world. When the reasonsRead MoreWomen Are Oppressed And The Middle East890 Words  | 4 Pagestreatment for women? Do you think of terrorist? There a lot of stereotypes when we think about the Middle East. Sometimes, we cannot always believe what we hear on the news. The stereotypes that we commonly use is that women are being oppressed, and the whole country is filled up with terrorists. Why do we think that women are oppressed in the Middle East? One way that we could think that s women are oppressed is because they are being treated unequally from the men in the Middle East. Women are inferiorRead MoreMuslims Women’s Rights to Practice Their Religion Essays1085 Words  | 5 Pagesheadscarves. France bans Muslim women who wear the hijab from going to schools or even having jobs. In the Islamic countries like Saudi Arabia and Iran, women are forced to wear head scarves. Other countries like Turkey and Tunisia ban whoever female works in the education field from covering her head. The hijab is a symbol of being Muslim, and it should it be left to the Muslim women to wear it or not. French, Turkish, and Tunisian should ask themselves the question, why do we have Muslims here? The answerRead MoreThe Muslim Community1163 Words  | 5 PagesThe Muslim community has faced many microassaults, microinsults, and microinvalidations in America. The microassaults reflect the conscious discrimination about a population. Many of the microassaults consisted of people stating that Arabs or Middle Eastern citizens are terrorists. Because of September 11, 2011, many have condemned one group of citizens as the reason for war in America. The microinsults consisted of every Muslim that comes to an airport being required to be checked, in hopes of safety
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Writing a Funny Essay Topic
<h1>Writing a Funny Essay Topic</h1><p>Writing an interesting article can be troublesome in case you're not used to composing for one of those odd exposition points. I've incorporated a few hints that can assist you with this and take care of business without difficulty.</p><p></p><p>If you have never composed for a paper theme, at that point you might need to consider it before you take on this task. It's smarter to design the exposition heretofore, with the goal that you can know the organization that you're going to need to keep. A few people who are in a difficult situation are the ones who make strange paper themes since they don't have the foggiest idea how to do it!</p><p></p><p>You need to ensure that your point is fascinating and not very long, as this will make your article hard to compose. The more it is, the additional time that you should spend on it and the harder it will be to compose. In any case, you'l l see that the additional time spent on the paper will be justified, despite all the trouble since when it's done, you'll take a gander at it and acknowledge how intriguing it is and it will be an extraordinary talking point.</p><p></p><p>One of the least demanding things that you can do to plan for composing articles for peculiar exposition themes is to consider the amount you're willing to peruse. The more material that you peruse and need to peruse, the more probable you are to skip portions of it and be mistaken for what's happening. On the off chance that you start off with a subject that has a great deal of data, at that point it's anything but difficult to lose your direction, so it's smarter to begin with a short paper and proceed onward from there.</p><p></p><p>You don't really need to stress over composing an entertaining article for weird exposition themes in case you're truly not certain how to. In the event that you will b e, you can generally look at the Internet and see what is the most recent in papers. There's a huge amount of free stuff out there to kick you off, so don't stress over composing an entertaining paper for it; actually, a great deal of the papers accessible online are very funny.</p><p></p><p>You ought to be set up with a smart thought of what it is that you're going to discuss when you compose amusing papers for comical exposition points. On the off chance that you would prefer not to wreck on the topic, at that point you ought to presumably not do it except if you have no other choice.</p><p></p><p>Writing for paper subjects can be intriguing, yet you should attempt to be prepared for anything to take care of business. You may even find that on the off chance that you compose interesting expositions for odd points, you will likewise have the option to compose a great deal of papers that are innovative and detailed.</p>
Saturday, May 9, 2020
Tips on How to Write a Doctoral Dissertation
<h1>Tips on How to Write a Doctoral Dissertation</h1><p>Writing a doctoral exposition isn't something you ought to do once. Actually, it's probably the greatest advance you'll ever take toward getting your PhD close by. This is the reason it's critical to do it right the first run through around.</p><p></p><p>The initial phase recorded as a hard copy a doctoral paper is taking a seminar regarding the matter. You'll need to spend the semester going over a seminar on the theme and getting acquainted with the structure and sort of work you'll be doing when you get to the doctoral level. In the event that you plan on seeking after a PhD, don't think little of the significance of these courses.</p><p></p><p>Another extraordinary thing you can do to get ready for this stage is inquire about. This can help you a great deal in making sense of what precisely is anticipated from you as an understudy. Truth be told, doing examina tion will make your work so much easier.</p><p></p><p>After this current, it's a smart thought to invest some energy pondering the subjects you're keen on. Discover those points that you have a great deal of understanding on and check whether you can discover somebody who has accomplished something comparable previously. You may have the option to get guidance from them or perhaps discover somebody who can suggest an adviser.</p><p></p><p>The following stage is to discover what the prerequisites are in various schools. Remember that there will be contrasts between each school, so you'll have to realize what they are before you attempt to compose your paper. Most schools will anticipate that you should present a proposition articulation where you'll need to clarify how your theory identifies with existing examination or to what you're wanting to achieve with your dissertation.</p><p></p><p>One significant thing t o recollect is that the school won't acknowledge your exposition except if you have done the entirety of this previously. In this way, don't hope to come in here and quickly be an ace of everything. You'll need to place in the work and learn things on the fly.</p><p></p><p>When you at long last have the entirety of the essential work done, begin taking a shot at the thesis. A smart thought is to peruse your exploration, incorporate your notes, and ensure that everything is appropriately composed and sorted out. At that point, make sense of where the segments of your proposition ought to go.</p><p></p><p>The last thing you can do is to check whether you can discover somebody to work with to assist you with editting your thesis. Having another person alter your exposition may appear as though it would be a weight, however in the event that you need to employ a professional writer or edit your work before you submit it, it may be justifie d, despite all the trouble. It will permit you to concentrate on different parts of your PhD.</p>
Untold Stories About Best College Essay Free Write Topics You Really Need to Read or Be Left Out
<h1> Untold Stories About Best College Essay Free Write Topics You Really Need to Read or Be Left Out </h1> <h2> Best College Essay Free Write Topics: No Longer a Mystery </h2> <p>No paper composed for an alternate customer is utilized for an alternate client. In this manner, you can ask all the basic inquiries and counsel on certain focuses. Stephen associates his past experience to his current development through self-information. </p> <p>Tell us a subject which you have changed your head on over the most recent three years. By and large, youngsters aren't used to it. Choose a particular point that others may not consider, and whatever you select, ensure that you know a ton about it! Second, talk what you shouldn't do rather than what must be done. </p> <p>When you're composing a school confirmation article, you should complete the only one paper. It's in this way imperative to completely consider distinctive school paper themes . Luckily, schools will ponder you if you decide to join your adoration for writing in your paper. In certain examples, the school will offer an exposition point for you. </p> <p>Our proficient authors think about the essential components of a pugnacious article. Our administration additionally supplies free expositions which is a component of what makes us unrivaled. Typically, scanning over the net with the expectation of complimentary expositions can be fairly testing. </p> <p>Individual schools here and there need supplemental papers. Composing the school application article is a troublesome gig. </p> <h2>Introducing Best College Essay Free Write Topics </h2> <p>Parents' undertaking is to help kids to find their place throughout everyday life. You're endeavoring to show universities your absolute best self, in this manner it may seem strange to enthusiastically recognize a period you battled. School is a scholarly spot so endeavor to persuade the board that you're the appropriate individual as they would see it. Along these lines, you an extremely much better to look for exhortation from your educators or family members.</p> <p>Writing by hand is a smidgen of sentimental, yet if you truly need to get into school, you must be completely prepared' with the best advances. Hardship to anyone who believes that a couple of long stretches of surfing through the Internet will be adequate to go over huge amounts of supp ortive information for the exploration. Just a few stages are included. 2 minutes is longer than you accept! </p> <h2> Get the Scoop on Best College Essay Free Write Topics Before You're Too Late</h2> <p>Because it is less difficult to kick around precisely the same thoughts again and again. Along these lines, there's clearly some guidance they can give you. When you have settled on a point, conceptualize thoughts. It's more wonderful for endowments than to give them. </p> <h2>The Fundamentals of Best College Essay Free Write Topics Revealed </h2> <p>Thus, to find a significant independent company point, you'll have to limit the field down. You can talk about anything you need, and your subject isn't to b associated with your up and coming calling. The themes may differ, yet they all are pointed toward providing the data about an understudy's latent capacity. It's conceivable to choose a captivating theme from any zone of science. < /p> <p>The essential point of subject decision for a proposition paper is to show the thought can be established by and by. There's no subject unreasonably extreme for our specialists. Your answer shouldn't be a book report. Who knowsthe answer to that question might be the establishment for your confirmation essay.</p> <p>The exposition is effectively among the most problematic territories of the school application approach. The school paper is among the most noteworthy features of your school application. So you don't really wish to get a theme! For example, you can pick a subject for rudimentary, center, or higher school. </p> <p>So, the best strategy to create a fantastic enticing exposition is to find a subject you're familiar with and might want to impart your experience to the peruser. Our essayists are uncommonly screened and prepared to ensure they work perseveringly to satisfy every one of your prerequisites. The majority of the paper uses standard English and English language structure. Universities can tell at whatever point your exposition is only a structure paper. </p> <p>Bear as a main priority which you can cause amusing contentious papers on the off chance that you to do a couple of things. In the event that you pick you have to visit around one of the platitude article subjects referenced already, an incredible way to deal with recount to a progressively predominant story is to focus on one explicit second and work starting there. Plunk down, consider the story you might want to compose. Your accounts aren't easily proven wrong. </p>
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Family Farms vs. the Government - 1765 Words
Agriculture has always been and always will be a part of society, but do the people outside of the agriculture community know anything about the farms and the regulations of farms of today’s world? The federal government should support the family farms of today rather than the industrial side of agriculture. In 1930 there was around seven million farms in the United States, now there is about two million. Advocates for farming and agriculture are worried about losing farms and farmland (Wirtz, 1999, 6). The total number of farms has fallen dramatically since the 1930s, but the number of larger farms has grown. Today, small farms make up 92 percent of all U.S. farms and the other eight percent are large and very large family farms and nonfamily farms (United States 2014, April 22). Even with the loss of many farms and farmers, the number of acres of farmland remains constant. The size of farms has increased, but not all farms are the same size (Wirtz, 1999, 6). The technology of today has made it possible to farm more land with fewer producers (Borman, 2007, 30). There is 915 million acres in farmland in the United States and the average farm size is 434 acres. In Kansas there are around 65,500 farms with 707 acres in average. Eighty-eight percent of Kansas land is under agricultural prod uction (United States 2014, April 22). The official definition of a farm according to the United States Department of Agriculture is â€Å"any place from which $1000 or more of agriculturalShow MoreRelated Greenleaf by Flannery OConnor Essay733 Words  | 3 Pagesirony, and symbol. Being told through the limited omniscient point of view, this story takes place on a dairy farm, which was the only thing left to Mrs. May when her husband died. Mrs. May is a strong willed mother of two, who has many dreams and goals. She is â€Å"barely making ends meet†, as quoted from the story, through her dairy farm selling her milk. She lives at the farm, since that is the only thing she has, with her two sons Wesley, the younger child, and Scofield. Though MrsRead MoreFia Analysis1027 Words  | 5 Pagesto revenue for different land uses, which are used in municipal land-use planning. Land uses, from residential / commercial / industrial , agricultural / and open space, largely determine the different revenues and expenditures of the municipal government because they generated different amounts of revenue from being taxed at different rates. Expenditures also vary from municipal services because different services need to be provided per use like education, police protection, fire protection, roadsRead MoreOrganic Agriculture, As Defined By The National Organic Standards Board1163 Words  | 5 Pagesproduction management system that promotes and enhances biodiversity, biological cycles and soil biological activity. It is based on minimal use of off-farm inputs and on management practices that restore, maintain, and enhance ecological harmony.†Which is very fancily put for agriculture with as little man made input as possible trying to farm, as they perceive at least, the most beneficial to the environment in the agricultural setting. To do this, all uses of pesticides, herbicides, chemicalRead MoreThe Mexican American Battle For Civil Rights1510 Words  | 7 PagesMarcela Duarte Professor Ramirez Government 2306 November 20, 2015 Chicano Rights The Mexican American battle for civil rights has been long and difficult but alas necessary. Can you imagine living in a prejudice environment and as consequence not being able to exercise your rights as a citizen? The past notion of minorities not having the same rights as the anglo majorities is simply absurd. The injustice that Mexican Americans have experienced in the past is undeniably discriminatory. JusticeRead MoreBenefits Of A Partnership Is The Trust Factor1604 Words  | 7 Pagesbusiness from their own personal taxes if it is a general partnership. This could be an option for the four brothers and their cousin, Xavier. This would make sure that the business is only run by the family and it gives everyone an equal say in the decision making of the farm. It also would help that the farm would be taxed only as personal income for each of them. Disadvantages The major disadvantage to a partnership is the trust factor. Going into a partnership with someone can be a major risk, dependingRead MoreOctober Revolution and Animal Farm1439 Words  | 6 Pagesï » ¿Dylan Hearn 2nd 9/24/14 Animal Farm 20 Questions Webquest  Directions: Please use the suggested links to find answers to each of the questions below. Be sure to paraphrase (not copy) the answers/information you find on the internet. All these questions will have parallels in Animal Farm, so be sure to pay careful attention!  For questions #1-2, please refer to your copy of the novel and to this website 1. What was George Orwell’sRead MoreFree Vs. Fair Trade844 Words  | 4 PagesFree vs. Fair Trade Trade opens up a whole new playing field of economic benefits and international relationships, and greatly impacts the marketplace. Lately, trade has taken a seat in the spotlight as the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a major free trade agreement spanning a dozen countries, was signed in February 2016 after seven years of negotiations. Implementation of the TPP agreement is not yet underway, but the impacts of such a deal have already created an insatiable buzz of debate. How willRead MorePolitical Figures Henry Clay And Andrew Jackson1232 Words  | 5 PagesFinal Paper One of the biggest rivalries in the United States Government that still impacts how the country operates today is between political figures Henry Clay and Andrew Jackson. Although Henry Clay never made it into presidency, he made many impactful decisions and events on behalf of our country. During the mid 1800’s, there was a rapid change in the economics, demographics, and social aspects of the growing United States deeply affecting the lives of citizens. At the root of these issuesRead MoreHistory And History Of Reading Instruction1576 Words  | 7 Pageseveryday life, without reading many of us wouldn’t be where we are today. Many important contributions have been made to literacy since the 1600’s. Literacy has been impacted since the pilgrims landed on Plymouth Rock and focused on religion. The government both federal and locally have made changes to how literacy would be instructed. Now a day’s literacy has a bigger impact with test like the Florid a Standards Assessment being administered this year where students will no longer need paper and pencilRead MoreThe Lamp At Noon By Sinclair Ross1643 Words  | 7 Pagesestablish the feeling of complete physical isolation in this story, many farms in America going through the same problem of being unable to sustain animals and crops during this time. Many families in America, including Ellen and Paul, were relying nearly completely on government assistance to even get by. While Paul did not feel as isolated due to being used to this lifestyle, Ellen was used to the lifestyle of the city, living on a farm absolutely mentally incapacitating her. The Great Depression pushed
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Nucor Swot free essay sample
The following is Nucor’s Mission Statement from their company website: Nucor Corporation is made up of 17,300 teammates whose goal is to Take Care of Our Customers. We are accomplishing this by being the safest, highest quality, lowest cost, most productive and most profitable steel and steel products company in the world. We are committed to doing this while being cultural and environmental stewards in our communities where we live and work. We are succeeding by working together. Strategic Profile and Case Analysis Purpose Nucor is a leading steel manufacturer and recycler in the United States. Their headquarters are located in Charlotte, North Carolina, and the company is made up of about 17,300 teammates, as they are referred to on the company’s website . According to Datamonitor’s Company Profile, revenues for 2006 were $14,751. 3 million, a 16. 1% increase over 2005. In the same profile, net profit was recorded at $1,757. 7 million for 2006, a 34. 1% increase over the previous year. Nucor operates in two main segments: steel mills, which account for 88. % of total revenues, and manufacturing of steel products, which accounts for 11. 7% of total company revenues. â€Å"Nucor in 2005†by Frank Barnes and Beverly Tyler, briefs us on Nucor’s two main core competencies that have kept it successful when competitors have not been: their ability to stay innovative and their distinct organizational structure. These two competencies have made Nucor one of the top leaders in the American steel industry, which has impacted its historical strategic direction and performance, as will be seen in the following case analysis. The purpose of this case analysis is to better understand Nucor’s core competencies, as well as to analyze the current situation surrounding the company. This case analysis will include a general environmental analysis, industry analysis, competitive environmental analysis, internal analysis, and SWOT analysis. These analyses will help us better understand Nucor, as well as help us create competitive strategies for the future. Situation Analysis General Environmental Analysis: PESTEL Understanding the external environment of the steel industry is necessary in order to better understand the internal environment of Nucor Corporation. The following is the PESTEL analysis for the steel industry, with remarks towards Nucor when needed. Political There are a few main political issues currently affecting the steel industry. First is the issue of protective tariffs on the steel industry. In the case study, it is noted that in â€Å"†¦March 2002, President George W. Bush, after an investigation and recommendation by the International Trade Commission, imposed anti-dumping tariffs under section 201 of the Trade Act of 1974. This restricted some imports of steel and placed quotas of up to 30 percent on others. The move was opposed by many, including steel users†. Current CEO and President of Nucor, Daniel DiMicco, had been pushing for protective tariffs after the surge of imports and the current economic recession. Bush’s tariffs led to global responses of import and export tariffs, causing the price of steel to increase 40 percent. In November of 2003, the WTO ruled against the tariffs and Bush withdrew the tariffs in fear of further retaliation. An additional issue is the practice of giving monetary incentives to companies to convince them to build their steel mills in certain locations. Nucor was given $155 million in tax breaks as incentives from North Carolina to build a $300 million steel mill. Debate has rising over whether or not it was worth the incentives to bring 300 new jobs to North Carolina. Economical Economical issues have had a large effect of the steel industry. Current issues they are facing include bankruptcy, a weak dollar, global competitors consolidating, and rising energy prices. According to the case study, 25 percent of domestic steel companies were facing bankruptcy, and out of the 14 companies monitored by Standard and Poor’s, only Nucor was financially healthy. The 25 percent included more than 20 companies, who under bankruptcy protection. These companies were allowed to sell steel cheaper than non-bankrupt companies, therefore maintaining their profit share. The steel industry is still trying to recover from bankrupt companies. Besides bankruptcy, the steel industry is facing economic issues due to a weak dollar, which hurt the domestic market. Global competition has been a large player in the steel industry, with competitors currently consolidating to become â€Å"mega†players in the industry. Many domestic companies are also pairing up with international players, such as Nucor’s relationship with companies in Brazil, Australia, China and Japan. There have been pressures to consolidate in order to obtain economies of scale. Opening up of the market does allow for a wider range of customers, though. Rising energy prices have also had an effect on the steel industry. Rising prices have led to a decrease in demand for construction projects, automobiles, and farm equipment, which are some of the major consumers of steel products. Sociological The current environmental trend and quest to go green has led a shift in consumer attitude towards more sustainable products. This has affected the steel industry in a shift from steel products to alternatives that are cheaper and more sustainable, like plastics. Although plastics can replace some steel products, they typically aren’t strong enough materials to entirely replace the steel industry. Additionally, with the green trend there has been a stronger movement to find ways to reuse steel scraps and to recycle them. The steel industry is also a predominately male-led industry. This is evident by Nucor’s leadership circle, and executives, where only one woman is present. This lack of diversity has an impact on the industry, and limits the potential of the industry with a mainly male run workforce. Technological There have been many advances in the steel industry, especially many from Nucor. Although the steel industry hasn’t typically been seen as a technological industry, a lot of technology is needed to run the equipment and milling processes. A new development is the twin shell electric arc furnace, which would help mini-mills increase production, lower costs, and take market share, according to the case study. The article goes on further to describe the most important advances in technology, saying, â€Å"Today’s most productive steelmaking facilities incorporate advanced metallurgical practices, sophisticated process-control sensors, state-of-the-art computer controls, and the latest refinements in continuous casting and rolling mill technology. Technology is needed to make the best products in the most efficient manner, and the steel industry will see more efficient and positive changes as technology gets better. Environmental Clean air laws are the main issues involving the steel industry. The Environmental Protection Agency has enacted many federal and state clean air rules as steel mills are typically very polluting and release thousands of tons of pollutants into the air each year. Steel mills produce coke along with clouds of ash and acrid green smoke, which costs mills a lot of money to either modify their plants or close them down, states the case study. Besides air laws, new mills are being built near vulnerable environmental sites, such as the North Carolina mill built near the state’s Albemarle Sound, which is the a national treasure. There is pressure to develop cleaner, more efficient technologies due to the more stringent environmental regulations. Legal Many of the competing firms belong to the Steel Manufacturers Association, which according to their website is â€Å"†¦the primary trade association for scrap-based electric arc furnace (EAF) steelmakers. †This trade organization currently includes 46international companies and 39 North American companies that operate 125 steel plants and employ approximately 40,000 people. The SMA oversees development of public policies to benefit members, provides forums for exchange of information between members, and also serves as a source of information to customers, suppliers, and government entities. Industry Analysis: Porter’s Five Force Model This section shows how different environmental trends are affecting industry competitors, and allows the reader to better understand the steel industry’s competitive structure and profit possibilities within. Threat of New Entrants: In the steel industry, there is a moderate threat of new entrants for many reasons. In this capital intensive industry, a company can only be efficient on a large scale, and to obtain scales of economies for production requires a lot of investment. This deters possible new entrants from wanting to enter the industry. Low switching costs for buyers of steel make the threat of new entrants more of a risk. However, there is low product differentiation, which increases the threat of new entrants, whose products would easily replace those of existing companies. Exporting steel to new entrants overseas is another possibility, though high tariffs imposed by the United States and other countries make this less likely of a possibility. Governmental regulations on the steel industry also deter new entrants from wanting to enter. Threat of Substitute Products: There are a few products that have the chance of becoming substitute products for steel products, though their actual feasibility in replacement is low, making this threat also low. Plastics are one category of products, with their low costs of production compared to steel, and the environmental benefits as well, though plastics are not typically strong enough to be used in place of steel bars. Bricks and stone are also becoming more frequently used for construction materials in replacement of steel, though they also cannot replace the strength and durability steel provides. Aluminum and fiberglass are also products being more frequently used in automobiles for their lightweight qualities and cost effectiveness, though switching costs are incredibly high, and to rework production lines to accommodate to new materials is too costly to make the actual switch away from steel, thus, making their threat low. Rivalry Among Competing Firms: There is a strong sense of rivalry among competing firms, especially with the new trend of mergers and acquisitions in the steel industry, that are creating mega corporations. In this slow growth industry, many companies are joining together and with that, gain a lot more competitive power. Additionally, with the need for scaled economies, companies can no longer afford to not join together, and the high amount of capital invested means sunk costs will bring about high exit costs of leaving the industry, therefore further motivating companies to stay in the competition and increasing rivalry. Currently, foreign markets are also dominating the global market of steel, and the number of domestic steel producers is falling as they are being bought out by international companies. The lack of differentiation between products and low switching costs for buyers between suppliers of steel further adds to the fierce intensity of rivalry in this industry. Bargaining Power of Buyers: In the United States, the most common buyers of steel are from the automotive industry, construction industry, manufacturing industry, and service industry. Since there are a large variety of buyers, their buyer power in this industry is increased. Their power is further strengthened by the low differentiation in products, and low switching costs. However, since steel is a widely used commodity, buyer’s bargaining power is decreased as it is not a special commodity. Therefore bargaining power for buyers is moderate in the steel industry. Bargaining Power of Suppliers: Bargaining power of suppliers is quite strong in the steel industry, and for many reasons. First off, the rising costs of energy and raw materials give suppliers power to charge higher prices. There are also few substitutes to raw materials in the steel industry, as some companies are trying to create new avenues for raw materials, therefore lowering the bargaining power of suppliers. This backwards integration, as mentioned in the 2007 steel industry profile by Datamonitor, mentions companies creating their own production of raw materials, which reduces dependence on third party suppliers because companies can create a new revenue stream by selling their raw materials as well. However, supplier contracts are formulated in long term contracts, which give them more power to bargain. Supplier bargaining power is ranked as moderate, since technology will soon be able to help steel companies find new was to create their own raw materials, or find cheaper materials. Nucor’s Key Success Factors Innovation Nucor prides itself on the company’s constant ability to stay innovative, as seen by their strengths in the SWOT section of the case analysis, and value chain analysis. The beginning of Nucor in the 1960s was helped by then CEO Kenneth Iverson’s developmental technology that used electric arc furnaces to melt scrap metal into finished steel, which saved money instead of using iron ore as raw material. Since then, Nucor has continued their innovate culture and developed many new techniques to decrease costs for both themselves and customers. Innovation is one of the key reasons that Nucor is so successful. Commitment to Employees and Employee Compensation Another key success factor is in their people. Nucor employees actually enjoy their job, and they are treated well, too. Nucor is well known for their trademark employee incentives and benefits, which allow their employees to be one of the highest paid groups for their jobs in steel production. High efficiency is always rewarded, with laborers usually making bonuses of 60% of their base salary from quick production times. Employees also reinvest some of their pretax earnings into a profit sharing plan instead of having a retirement fund. Iverson was quoted in 1998 saying â€Å"I think the first obligation of the company is to the stockholder and to its employees†¦ we have a very interesting corporate policy†¦ First, we give donations to where our employees are. Second, we give donations that will benefit our employees, such as to the YMCA†. Lean Management The last key success factor is in Nucor’s lean management. A decentralized company with autonomous power to many people helps get things done quickly. Division managers enjoy the freedom they have to run their plants they way they want, and come up with creative ways to increase profit margins. There has been a recent move to make the company more centralized with more layers of management, citing reasons of increasing competition and loss of communication for more structure. Only time can tell if this new structure will continue the success that the old structure brought to Nucor. Product Phase The Steel Industry is in the Maturing Phase of its lifecycle. As steel is still a very necessary component of construction, automobiles, and manufacturing, there seems to be a long lifespan for the industry. There is foreseen demand for steel in the future, with the only threats being new technology development of a cheaper and more environmentally-friendly product or a shortage of raw materials to produce steel, although recycling of steel has helped less this problem. Competitive Environmental Analysis The following is a brief analysis of Nucor’s main competitors: Arcelor Mittal, United States Steel, and Tata Steel. This section discusses their strengths and weaknesses compared to Nucor’s and how Nucor can take advantage of current competitor situations to better their position in the industry. Arcelor Mittal Headquartered in Luxembourg with 320,000 employees, Arcelor Mittal is the product of a merger of the largest and second largest steel producers in 2006. In a news article in the Seattle Times, â€Å"Mittal Steel, already the worlds largest steelmaker, †¦ announced an unsolicited $22. 8 billion offer for rival Arcelor in an attempt to form a global powerhouse capable of producing more than 100 million tons a year. †Now the world’s largest steel producer, Arcelor Mittal has an international span on their products, with customers in 187 countries and operations in 26 countries. Their main buyer industries are in the automotive, appliance, engineering, construction, and machinery industries. Their main competitive advantage lies in their ability to provide â€Å"value-added and customized steel solutions through further steel processing to meet specific customer requirements. †As stated on Datamonitor’s Company Profile, Arcelor Mittal’s strengths include position of market leader, high profit margins, product diversity, and scale and scope of operations. Weaknesses include high debt and charges of concealing income. Nucor’s clean profile gives them an advantage of Arcelor Mittal. According to a feature article in Business Week about Arcelor Mittal, CEO Lakshmi Mittal states that one of their strategies is to make the organization structure leaner, and to take out the bureaucracy culture that impedes making quick decisions. Nucor’s already lean organization and established culture additionally gives them advantage to Arcelor Mittal in this arena. Only time will show if Nucor can step up in market share and product diversity to become leader in the steel industry. US Steel United States Steel (US Steel), is another close competitor with Nucor. It is the second largest producer in the US behind Nucor, with operations in the US and Europe. Interestingly enough, US Steel emerged from a merger of 10 steel companies in 1901, and involved famous industrial pioneers Andrew Carnegie, Charles Schwab, and J P Morgan. According to the Datamonitor Company Profile, US Steel teamed up with Nucor in 1994 to work together to explore new technology in hopes of reducing the cost and pollution from steel making. Datamonitor’s profile goes on future to describe US Steel’s strengths and weaknesses. US Steel is the oldest steel producer with 105 years of experience, and their company focuses on value added steel products that can be sold directly to target customers in a wide end of markets in different industries. Nucor also prides themselves on these strengths, therefore not giving US Steel much advantage over them. Furthermore, US Steel has a lack of presence in emerging and international markets, and has deteriorating relationship with environmental regulators, which adds to their shortcomings compared to Nucor. Nucor must maintain and expand their position in new markets and continue to improve environmental standards in order to stay ahead of US Steel in the steel market. Tata Headquartered in Mumbai, India and employing around 37,000 people, Tata Steel is one of the largest private sector steel producers in India. With their own iron and coal mines, Tata Steel also has operations in Asia, including Thailand, Singapore, China, and Sri Lanka. Tata Steel is differentiated by their low cost steel, which they manufacture and distribute to automotive and construction industries. Their strengths include a strong brand image, vertical integration, and inorganic growth, which they recently adopted to take over Asian companies, according to Datamonitor’s Company Profile. With over 100 years of experience, Tata Steel has built â€Å"Tata†up to be a highly respected company that is self reliant with their own mines, which also gives them an advantage on raw materials over competitors. However, these are counteracted by their geographic concentration, with 88% of their revenues in India, and a huge dependence on imports for coking coal, which is necessary for steel manufacturing and not available in their mines. This dependency further makes Tata Steel vulnerable to competitors and fluctuating raw material prices. Nucor’s global presence and self reliance helps them over Tata Steel, although Nucor can work on building up their brand image. Internal Analysis Value Chain Analysis Primary Activities Inbound Logistics Nucor has begun developing processes to create their own raw materials, through new technologies and by using scrap materials. As energy prices increase, raw material prices will increase in both base price and transportation prices. Additionally, Nucor had one of the first computer inventory management systems in the 1960s, and their sophistication with purchasing has helped them beat out competitors, making them superior to competitors. Operations For the joist division production, steel is cut or bent to the right angle, then assembled, welded, drilled, and welded again before being passed to inspection. The workers themselves have control and responsibility over quality for each product. At the steel plants, steel is made in two phases, the preparation of steel into the proper chemistry to later be turned into the steel that is used to form into desired products. At each of the plants, â€Å"Nucor designed its processes to limit work-in-progress inventory, to limit space, to utilize a pull approach to material usage, and to increase flexibility. †This flexibility has helped cut costs and increase opportunities for Nucor in each of their different industries. Since this is pretty typical for the industry, this keeps Nucor equivalent to their competitors. Outbound Logistics Nucor operates differently from competitors in that they do not absorb the cost of shipping. This led to a new trend of customers relocating manufacturing plants next to Nucor’s steel plants, which helped guarantee both companies low costs. In addition to relocation, Nucor’s production system is electronically linked to the customer’s production scheduling, allowing for both to operate in a just in time inventory mode, which further cuts down on costs. Neighboring buyers account for 60 percent of shipments from steel mills, according to the case study. In addition to near by customers, Nucor also operates a large fleet of 150 trucks to ensure on-time delivery to customers. Nucor prides themselves on being lowest-cost producers, doing so with materials and freight. These aspects keep Nucor at the same level as their competitors. Marketing and Sales Each plant or division of Nucor is responsible for selling of products. Nucor does not have a corporate advertising or public relations, instead relying on individual plants to do their own marketing and sales, as well as strong alliances Nucor has with outside parties. The use national advertising campaigns to market products like their joist industry. Their selling force is strong because they use computer programs to create designs for customers and market at competitive prices. The computer programs use the time of production estimated, labor value of production, and materials cost to estimate the cost of each project. By not having their own marketing or sales division, Nucor’s decentralized style may make them inferior to centralized companies who can strategize better. Service Nucor is well liked by all. Seen as an innovate company that puts their employees and stockholders first, the constantly try to obtain and supply the lowest prices possible. Their latest venture was in February of 2008 when Nucor announced plans â€Å"†¦to construct a sheet and coiled plate processing center in Mexico to better service the growing needs of its customers†, according to a news release on their website . In the same article, CEO DiMicco stated: Mexico is a very important market to Nucor. We have many customers in Mexico, and it is important for us to be able to better service those existing customers and to expand our presence in the growing Mexican economy. We are very excited about this opportunity. This is just one of the examples of Nucor reducing costs for both themselves and their customers, thus adding value to the business, and keeping them superior to competitors. Support Activities Firm Infrastructure Nucor plants are highly decentralized, which allows for more freedom and flexibility for each division manager. With a relatively flat organization with few layers, division managers of each plant are responsible for their own manufacturing, selling, accounting, engineering, and personnel management. Their only responsibility is to contribute profit to headquarters. This autonomy is appreciated by division managers, with one saying â€Å"We’re not constrained; headquarters doesn’t restrict what I spend. I just have to make my profit contribution at the end of the year. †But managers cooperate with each other, often collaborating and sharing efforts to improve each others’ divisions; all vice presidents and general managers share the same bonus so there is a real effort for everyone to succeed at Nucor. This unique organizational style sets Nucor apart from its competitors, keeping them superior in this aspect. Human Resource Management Employees are likely to be the most valuable part of Nucor’s success. Nucor has a history of treating their employees very well. This is shown through their policy of not laying off employees, giving college funds to employees’ children, and the great incentives and bonuses employees receive. Even at times when the company was hit by poor economic conditions, the company froze wages and executive officers took 5% pay cuts to show that they were all in it together. Nucor believes that keeping employees happy and giving them autonomy is one of the secrets to keeping their production costs low. They keep employees informed about company issues, and try to treat all employees as equal as possible. This is shown by the lack of company cars, company planes, fancy offices, and no vacation homes in the Nucor Corporation. The money is instead reinvested in the company and the focus is on the products and the people. This is best summed up by HR Magazine: â€Å"No-frills at Nucor: A lean, bottom-line approach at this steel company empowers employees. †This type of treatment is definitely paying off at Nucor as employees go on record on attitude surveys that they enjoy working for Nucor because it is the best, most productive, and most profitable company they know. This helps keep Nucor superior to their competitors in HRM. Technological Development Innovation is one of the strong points for Nucor, and it may be a shock to some that they do not have their own research and development department. Instead, they create task forces to investigate new technology advances, such as when they researched and then created their mini-mills for steel production. Making steel themselves has helped reduce costs significantly as compared to buying it from foreign companies. Nucor monitors technology advances on a worldwide scale and then attracts investors to bring technology to them, thus saving them money from researching and creating it themselves. Having great technology allows Nucor to also manufacture at more efficient rates, thus lowering the man hours needed to produce products. These extra hours are reflected in incentives given to employees for working at above average levels of efficiency and productivity. Nucor’s constant ability to stay innovative will only keep them slightly above their competitors in this fiercely competitive industry where technology is always changing. Procurement On March 3, 2008, Nucor acquired The David J. Joseph Company, which had been selling scrap metal to Nucor for 38 years. Adding this additional avenue of raw materials has helped increase flexibility for Nucor and lowered dependence on outside parties for raw materials, therefore helping improve the bottom line. Nucor’s ability to produce their own raw materials also helps them when they have extra capacity to sell raw material to outside customers, thus adding extra revenue to the company. Their thrifty company culture also is reflected in their strong desire to cut costs as much as possible or create ways to produce their own materials, as seen with their Crawfordsville plant that manufactured sheet steel, or the Trinidad plant that supplies Nucor with iron carbide pellets. Nucor is constantly creating value by looking to new ways to cut corners, which keeps them equivalent to competitors. Four criteria of sustainable advantages: VRIN Steel is a valued commodity, and necessary in producing automobiles, construction of new buildings, manufacturing, and more. Although it is valued, it is not a rare commodity. There is a high amount of competition with many players in the steel industry. It is costly to imitate steel, but products like fiberglass, aluminum, and plastics are possible substitutes though cannot fully match the benefits of steel as a strong building material. SWOT This details how Nucor can position itself to take advantage of opportunities and strengths while also avoiding environmental threats and weaknesses. Strengths Innovation is one of the top things Nucor prides itself on. Nucor is constantly striving to be ahead of the industry, developing new technologies that allow them the competitive advantage. According to the case study, â€Å"Nucor was very innovative in steel and joists. Its plant at Norfolk was years ahead in wire rod welding. In the late 1960s, it had one of the first computer inventory management systems and design/engineering programs. The company was very sophisticated in purchasing, sales, and managing, and beat its competition often by the speed of its designing efforts†. Nucor’s company website credits innovation as the foundation of their beginnings, saying â€Å"Nucors rebirth was sparked by innovation making steel from recycled scrap on a larger scale than had ever been tried. Since then, Nucor has thrived on intelligent risk-taking. †Some of their current technology projects, as listed on their company website, include: â€Å"strip-casting, a process to make ultra-thin sheet steel using a minimum of rolling stands; HIsmelt, a process that converts iron ore to liquid metal through the injection of non-coking coal and iron ore into a molten iron bath and load-bearing light gauge steel faming†¦ Nucor also introduced the worlds first integrated DC power supply arrangement in the manufacture of steel plate. It is innovations in technology like these that keep Nucor a leader in the steel industry. Risk-taking is another strength that Nucor prides itself on. Risk was instilled in Nucor first by the founders, who took a chance on steel, and then later by Ken Iverson, one of Nucor’s past leaders. The case study talks about Iverson being a very good leader with an entrepreneurial spirit that gave him the courage to take a lot of risks. This is best summed up by one of the company’s sayings: â€Å"Failure to take risk is failure†, which was personified by the founder of Nucor and reinforced by Iverson’s leadership . Risking taking is just part of the strong company culture Nucor has, which is another one of their strengths. Nucor is a â€Å"no nonsense†company that does not take part in any frills or excess. There are no company cars or jets, and excess money isn’t thrown around. The company has been characterized as â€Å"stripped down†and thrifty with their modest offices. â€Å"They were simple, routine, and businesslike†, describes Fortune magazine. The focus of the company is on the products and the people. The organizational structure is also a defining part of Nucor. The organization is very lean, with a lean management structure with few layers. Corporate staff only included 45 people, with a decentralized strategy to grant more autonomy to each of the different divisions. Each division his seen as a profit center whose main responsibility is to contribute profits, but do so in their own ways. Focus is on the earnings, and not the methods. Nucor has cut down costs and distractions even more by outsourcing most of the other departments not related to production, including research and development, construction of new plants, advertising, public relations, human resources, and their legal and environmental departments. These are maintained with strong alliances with outside parties, which help Nucor focus most of their time on what is most important: production. Each of the divisions is maintained by a general manager who shares information with other plants with a friendly spirit of competition as they all share the same bonus system. Nucor’s organizational structure is also highlighted by their distinctive personnel system and incentive system. In their personnel policy, Nucor provides job security to their employees. According to the case study, all employees receive the same fringe benefits, insurance plan, holidays and vacations, and money for higher education for their children. Employees enjoy working at Nucor, as is reflected by attitude surveys done around the company. Employees were satisfied with the job besides the high competitive pay, with one saying he enjoy working for Nucor because â€Å"†¦ it is the best, most productive, and most profitable company I know of. †Nucor’s employees typically make over twice the amount of other manufacturing companies in the same states, and are rewarded with a satisfying bonus when they are productive. The incentive program has helped characterize Nucor’s defining strengths. Incentives are based on group performance, which motivates everyone to work together. Production workers’ bonuses are measured by how well they operate compared to historical times of production; they earn a 60 percent bonus when they work 60 percent less of the standard time. There are also incentive plans for department heads, staff people, and senior management, including division managers. Additionally, each employee puts in 10 percent of pretax earnings into a profit sharing plan with a deferred trust instead of a retirement plan, which helps employees reinvest back into their company. By focusing on the plant and the people, Nucor has helped make themselves a more successful company, and a leader that other companies wish to aspire to. Weaknesses Although Nucor is currently leading the US market, they do have a couple weaknesses that hold them back. One is their geographical concentration in the US, which limits them to a specific market. As transportation and logistic costs increase with the increase of energy and fuel, it is becoming more costly to ship around steel products, especially when Nucor’s plants are so concentrated in one part of the world. This not only hinders possibilities with companies not located near a Nucor facility in the US, but to international markets where international competitors have spread out and taken markets. Nucor needs to establish themselves more on a global level and spread out their presence in a stronger way than just clustering in the US. In addition to geographic weakness, Nucor is facing higher selling, general, and administrative expenses. According to Nucor’s Company Profile by Datamonitor, SGA make up 4% of net sales in 2006 compared to 3. 3% in 2004 . Nucor’s profit margins will be seriously affected if costs continue to increase. Nucor already outsources much of the operations not related to steel production, so finding a way to cut costs in this department will help better the profit margin. An additional weakness is Nucor’s lack of dedication to the environment. Although Nucor has made attempts to be environmental with their recycling of scrap steel, and finding ways to produce products with less energy, they still lack the commitment to clean air laws and other US Environmental Protection Agency rules. According to the case study, â€Å"In June 1998, Waste News reported that Nucor’s steel mill in Crawfordsville, Indiana, was cited by the EPA for alleged violations of federal and state clean-air rules. †Events like this are not healthy nor positive for Nucor. If Nucor was able to balance environmental constraints with production, they would be a lot more successful. Opportunities One of the technologies Nucor prides themselves on is their HIsmelt technology, which adds flexibility to the company. According to Datamonitor’s company profile, â€Å"This technology is considered as a major breakthrough and is expected to result in lowering of the company’s production costs, as the HIsmelt plant produces pig iron without using coke through an energy-efficient, low-emissions process. Furthermore, the company expects to generate substantial earnings from royalties derived from the technology’s licensing. This process helps improve Nucor’s environmental outlook, and adds extra revenue from the licensing contracts. Nucor’s joint venture with Brazilian company Companhia Vale do Rio Doce (CRVD), is another opportunity to give them a competitive advantage. CRVD is the world’s largest producer of iron-ore pellets. In Brazil, they have come up with a new way to manufacture pig iron in an environmentally friendly way using a process called Ferro Gusa Carajas (FGC), which uses two conventional mini-blast furnaces full of charcoal from indigenous eucalyptus trees to produce pig iron. Datamonitor says that â€Å"The use of pig-iron as raw material for production would further reduce production costs and would also reduce Nucor’s dependability on scrap iron as raw materials, especially in the face of increasing scrap iron prices. †Having the global connection with Brazil is another positive of this venture that adds international opportunities for Nucor. Additionally, Nucor has been creating opportunities for expansion through acquisitions of steel operations in the US. In March of 2001, Nucor bought out a mini-mill in New York from a Japanese corporation called Sumitomo. Nucor went to later on acquire assets from Auburn Steel, ITEC Steel, Trico Steel Co. , Birmingham Steel Corp. , Connecticut Steel Corp. , Verco Manufacturing Company, and Harris Steel, which, according to Datamonitor, was their largest acquisition to date at $1. 07 billion . Acquiring Harris Steel has made Nucor the largest producer of cold finish steel in North America. Nucor recently bought out The David J. Joseph Company on March 3, 2008, for approximately $1. 44 billion, according to a news release on their company website. DJJ has been one of the leading scrap companies in the country, and has already had a long history of 38 years with Nucor. This is just one of the examples of Nucor’s inorganic growth has helped them efficiently increase their market share and capacity without having to build new costly plants. Analyst Robert Miller believes that global consolidation is the future for the steel industry. He write that consolidations will produce super steel companies that â€Å"†¦embrace new technologies for making steel better, faster, and more cheaply, become increasingly self-sufficient in the necessary raw materials used to manufacture steelâ€â€particularly iron ore and coking coalâ€â€as the volatility of the market price and availability of these resources in recent years has challenged steelmakers, †¦ and concentrate on producing higher grades of steel, such as automotive steel, in order to differentiate themselves from commodity producers. As global consolidation seems to be the wave of the future, Nucor must continue their path of inorganic growth to achieve super status. Threats Because the steel industry’s cyclical nature, the industry’s success is connected with the economic status of the country. As the United States is currently in a recession, there is less economic growth, therefore leading to fewer orders for construction, automobiles, and manufacturing equipment, which are the main customers for the steel industry. Many US steel companies have gone bankrupt, with others operating at less than full capacity. Nucor, however, has maintained profitability each quarter since their beginning operations in 1966. In the case study, it says that in 2003, â€Å"While the steel industry struggled through one of its deepest down cycles with weak prices and bankruptcies throughout the industry, Nucor increased its market share and held on to profitability. †They’ve done so by expanding their business in the automobile industry, their joint venture with Brazil, and working with Japanese and Chinese to formulate new process without the typical raw materials. Datamonitor reports that â€Å"According to International Monetary Fund’s ‘World Economic Outlook, April 2007’ report, the real GDP growth rate in US is expected to slow down to 2. 5% in 2007, compared to 3. 1% in 2006. †Nucor must rely on their strengths and opportunities to survive during the recession, as the rising interest rates and recession may hurt their sales and financial condition. With increasing interest rates and a recession hitting the US, costs for raw materials will also be rising. Nucor has already tried to combat this problem by creating avenues to obtain and create their own raw materials, therefore relying less on other suppliers in an unpredictable market. On the other hand, Nucor should also beware of too much capacity in the industry with international countries flood the market with below cost products. The Bush government tried in 2002 to create a tariff to protect the US industry from dumping of below cost products, but was forced to withdraw the tariff in 2003 after WTO rulings against it. In 2005, the Bush administration used trade laws to curtail import dumping, which will hopefully give Nucor higher profit margins. China may be one of the culprits of overcapacity of steel into the US since their economy has slowed down and demands of steel have slowly decreased. Nucor will have to accommodate to global economies as well as the US economy to handle fluctuations in the steel market. Global steel companies are also joining together and consolidating to form mega steel companies, which could hurt Nucor’s leadership position in the steel industry. One of Nucor’s biggest rivals is America’s Mittal Steel, which recently merged with Belgium steel company Arcelor in June 2006, making them the leading steel group in the world with a market capitalization of $46 billion and steel-making capacity of 110 million tons, according to Datamonitor. Datamonitor further predicts that â€Å"†¦ the top 10 companies would hold a global market share of almost 35% in 2010; which could lead to three or four players producing more than 80 million tons, and five or six players producing between 40 million and 60 million tons, annually. This consolidation trend puts competitive pressure on Nucor to maintain their status in the industry, no matter how they do it.
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