Thursday, May 14, 2020
Misconceptions of Muslim Women - 810 Words
In society, there are some misconceptions about who Muslim women are and the identity they have. Through hasty generalizations, Muslim women are often depicted as being only Arab, figures of oppression, and being poles apart with everyone. Popular media fails to recognize the diversity in this group in terms of race, ethnicity, nationality, cultural norms, gender role, education attainment level, occupation and upbringing. I believe that the intersection of social inequalities in these identifying components has rendered Muslim women invisible in society. Description: In the first picture, there is a group of four women wearing black veils-known as the niqab- over their faces. In the second picture, there is another group of three women who are all wearing the niqab also. The third picture shows three women who are all wearing the niqab and the abaya- a long, loose garment that looks like a dress. The fourth picture shows two women who wearing the niqab and the abaya. In the fifth picture, there is one woman wearing a gray hijab with green eyes. The sixth picture and the seventh picture shows a women wearing the niqab. The pictures are zoomed into their faces, focusing on their eyes. In eighth picture, there are four women who don’t have their faces covered. They are wearing chadors- a long garment that covers the head and body. The ninth picture shows one man with a sword and a group of women with their hands tied. They are completely covered, includingShow MoreRelatedMuslim Women Essay943 Words  | 4 Pagesportray Muslim s in a negative light. Some pity Muslims while others feel pure disdain for them. This statement made by Ann Coulter (2001) following the September 11th terrorist attacks demonstrates the disdain for Muslims, â€Å"We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity†(as cited in Arab American National Museum, 2011). 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